Poland Post tracking

Poland Post

Federal postal operator

Reviews www.poczta-polska.pl

    Tracking parcel:

    Poland Post (Poczta Polska) tracking parcels

    Poland Post, also known as Poczta Polska, is the national postal service of Poland. Founded in 1558, it is one of the oldest postal services in Europe. The company provides a range of services, including mail delivery, parcel delivery, banking services, and insurance. Poland Post has a network of over 7,000 post offices throughout the country, making it easily accessible to customers. The company also offers international shipping services, connecting Poland to the rest of the world. With its long history and broad range of services, Poland Post is a trusted and reliable provider of postal and logistics services in Poland.

    Poland Post tracking

    Poland Post provides a tracking service for all packages and letters sent within and outside of Poland. The tracking system allows customers to track their shipments in real-time and get updates on the status of their deliveries.

    To use the tracking service, customers need to have the tracking number provided by Poland Post. They can then enter the tracking number on the Poland Post website, and the system will display the status of the shipment. The tracking service provides information such as the location of the package, delivery status, and expected delivery date.

    Overall, the Poland Post tracking system is a convenient and reliable tool that provides customers with peace of mind when sending and receiving packages and letters.

    Delivery times

    Delivery times with Poland Post can vary depending on the destination and the service selected. Domestic deliveries usually take between one to two business days, while international deliveries can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the destination country and the shipping method.

    Poland Post also handles deliveries from China, which have become increasingly popular due to the rise of e-commerce. Customers can expect delivery times of around 2-3 weeks for standard shipping from China to Poland, with expedited shipping options available for faster delivery.

    Overall, Poland Post provides a reliable and affordable shipping option for customers in Poland and around the world. With its online tracking system and range of delivery options, it is a popular choice for both personal and business shipments.

    Poland Post tracking statuses

    Status Description
    Wysłanie przesyłki Shipment sent
    Nadejście przesyłki Arrival of shipment
    Nadanie przesyłki Shipment dispatch
    Wysłanie przesyłki z Polski Shipment sent from Poland
    Przygotowanie przesyłki do doręczenia Preparing the shipment for delivery
    Przekazanie przesyłki do doręczenia Handover of the shipment for delivery
    Przyjęcie przesyłki Shipment received
    Zatrzymanie przez urząd celny Customs hold
    Doręczenie przesyłki Delivery of shipment
    Awizo Notice left
    Oczekiwanie przesyłki do odbioru w placówce Waiting for shipment pickup at the branch
    Odebranie przesyłki w placówce Shipment pickup at the branch
    Zwrot przesyłki Shipment returned
    Doręczono (Doręczono) Delivered (Delivered)
    Doręczenie przesyłki (Doręczenie) Shipment delivery (Delivery)
    Doręczono Delivered
    Nieudane doręczenie Delivery attempt failed
    Handing over of item to delivery Handover of item to delivery
    Przesyłka w transporcie Shipment in transport
    Rejestracja przesyłki w urzędzie doręczenia Registration of the shipment at the delivery office
    Processing of item for delivery Processing of item for delivery
    Przyjęto w Polsce Received in Poland
    Rejestracja przesyłki Shipment registration
    Package acceptance Package acceptance
    Nadanie Posting
    Item posting Item posting
    Zarejestrowano Registered
    Package released by the customs office  
    Package sent  
    Do odbioru w placówce  
    Item arrived to the delivery office  
    Kontrola celna  
    Item arrived  
    Awizo - przesyłka do odbioru w placówce  
    Item delivery  
    Zwolniono po kontroli celnej  
    Package sent from Poland  
    Odebrano w placówce  
    Wysłanie SMS dla przesyłki  
    Przygotowano do doręczenia  
    Zwolnienie przesyłki przez urząd celny  
    Próba doręczenia - zwrot do nadawcy  
    Przekazanie przesyłki do urzędu celnego  
    Przekazano do doręczenia  
    Ponowne awizo  
    Zwrot do nadawcy  
    Handing over of item to customs  
    Wysłano z Polski  
    Nieudane doręczenie - decyzja o zwrocie  
    Powtórne awizo - przesyłka do odbioru w placówce  
    Zatrzymanie przesyłki w cle  
    Przyjęto w kraju przeznaczenia  

    Poland Post - searching for packages and shipments

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